Which Airsoft Bb Hurts the Most

Which Airsoft Bb Hurts the Most

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The proponents of airsoft and the proponents of paintball have long been rivals, and this rivalry goes back to the inception of these games every bit their fans argue ane'southward superiority over the other.

One of the things that players honey to figure out is how much pain you lot have to endure if yous get hit during a game of airsoft or paintball.

We all like to avoid physical discomfort, but when it comes to playing airsoft or paintball, a little bit of pain is part of the fun.

Even though these balls are and so tiny, getting hitting by them is even so not the best feeling in the world. Some of the places that you lot need to be wary most getting injure include:

  • Eyes
  • Fingers
  • Groin
  • Neck
  • Lips
  • Ears
  • The dorsum or top of the head

Every bit for which type of ball hurts the most, almost players are unanimous in saying paintball can pack quite a punch.

Where Does It Hurt More to get Hit by an Airsoft or a Paintball

If you ask die-difficult fans of airsoft or paintball whether getting hit by the balls hurt, they will probably reply, "no, it merely stings a scrap."

But like getting an injection, some places can injure more than others. We have narrowed downwardly the list to these vulnerable areas so that y'all can be actress prepared to avoid being hit in these places.

The Eyes

Paintball Airsoft eye protection

We all know how painful it is to get a grain of sand or a soup bubble in our middle, so imagine if you go an eyeful of paintball or airsoft?

Y'all can bet information technology will hurt like annihilation.

Since your eye is ane of the nearly sensitive and vulnerable places in your body, you tin can actually do permanent harm to it if the brawl hits you hard enough.

So exist careful and wearable protective gear to save yourself from lifelong impairment.


Paintball vs Airsoft gloves

Your easily and fingers, particularly the knuckles, are one of the virtually painful places to get striking — they are also the most common places to sustain an injury during airsoft or paintball games.

That may be because your hands are wrapped around your gun and are especially exposed and vulnerable.

To avoid the pain, invest in some specialized airsoft or paintballing gloves to cushion you from the impact.


Men, in item, know how painful getting hit anywhere in the groin can be.

It is likewise one of the favored target areas, especially if y'all are playing with your friends who like to prank you with carefully aimed shots.

So make sure you protect your groin with multiple layers.


The cervix is another sensitive role of the trunk and is located dangerously close to your face.

It as well oft remains exposed, and so it can be really obvious for anyone to encounter a bruise.

To avert this, get yourself a full head and cervix protection to avoid getting hit in the face and cervix.


Airsoft mask

Getting hitting with an airsoft or a paintball in the lips tin really sting and release an outpour of blood.

Bruises on the lips too take the tendency to not bad and brand y'all wait like a pufferfish.

So, if yous don't want to go effectually with eggplant on your oral fissure, invest in some expert-quality face gear.


Wearing Protective Gear

Your ear consists of cartilage and very little cushioning of muscle, so getting hit at that place isn't fun at all.

Additionally, a hard enough striking tin can crusade damage to the internal structures like the eardrum.

So make sure your face covering protects your ears every bit well.

If you get hit in the ear and hear a ringing or distorted sound, go to an ENT immediately.

Back/Top of the Head

Airsoft Helmet With Ear Protection

Getting konked on the dorsum or top of the head can brand you encounter stars in the daytime.

A hit on the head can make you feel light-headed and disoriented for a few seconds. Make sure to wear your mask and safety goggles to minimize this risk.

Which Hurts More: An Airsoft or a Paintball?

You may remember that the pain of being hit by an airsoft BB and a paintball should be a deterrent, but most fans consider it a badge of honor.

However, being hitting by a paintball or an airsoft pellet has the potential of leaving welts, breaking skins, and cartoon blood.

A lot of players wonder whether airsoft or a paintball hurts more than. To make up one's mind this, we go back to basic physics and do the math to come across which 1 hurts more.

Although a direct hitting from either blazon of pellet can hurt quite a bit, airsoft pellets have a softer impact than paintballs.

Airshot guns use tiny 66mm plastic pellets that weigh about 0.twenty to 0.28 grams and travel at 300 to 400 feet per 2nd (FPS).

A hit from an airsoft pellet tin can result in about ane joule of kinetic energy, though the impact will be significantly lesser if the shot is from far away since much of the energy will be lost covering the distance.

So, if y'all are hitting from far enough, yous may experience a slight sting and get a small-scale welt through your article of clothing, or the shot may but bounce off your apparel without you lot even feeling a thing.

However, beingness hit by a paintball can exist a whole unlike story.

Paintballs are much larger than airsoft pellets, measuring nigh 0.68 mm and weighing 3.5 grams. Compared to the 0.twenty grams airsoft pellet, paintballs are over 17 times the weight.

Because of their larger size and mass, paintballs have a slower speed and tin launch at about 290 to 300 FPS. Information technology also means they result in much larger amounts of kinetic energy at about xiii joules.

This is 13 times the amount of kinetic free energy produced by an airsoft ball.

Additionally, the surface area of a paintball is significantly bigger than an airsoft ball.

So when a paintball slams into your body, it will not just hurt a lot more than than an airsoft pellet, merely information technology will form a larger trample as well.

Being hit with a paintball at close range on bare skin can leave large and painful welts too equally break pare.

Additionally, paintball does non have a minimum engagement altitude, and then many unscrupulous players may practice "bunkering."

This involves communicable a histrion off baby-sit and offloading a huge number of pellets to ensure that the player gets hit and remains down.

The player who is bombarded with paintballs volition be covered with a large number of painful bruises.

However, this is non considered good sportsmanship and can become you in trouble on the field.

What Factors Touch Pain In Airsoft and Paintball

paintball ammo vs airsoft ammo

There are a few factors which determine how much pain you can receive from an airsoft pellet or a paintball:

  • The altitude betwixt the shooter and the thespian who is existence shot at
  • The FPS rating of the gun
  • The weight and mass of the ammo
  • The wind condition
  • The corporeality of clothing and protective gear that shields you from affect

Distance Matters

Paintball range

The higher the speed of the airsoft pellet or the paintball, the harder will be the touch on, and the more than pain you will feel.

The speed of your ball depends on the distance.

If you are shooting from afar, your pellet will decrease in velocity before it reaches its target.

For instance, if a person targets you from a altitude of 130 to 150 feet, yous may not even feel the touch on.

All the same, if someone hits you from less than 50 anxiety, you will definitely notice it. You always keep your altitude to stay safe and fugitive pain.

The Air current Can Favor You — or Not

Which direction the wind is blowing in can accept a significant impact on your shots.

Paintball players engage at a shut distance, so the wind factor may not impact them as much as longer-distant games like airsoft.

If you shoot confronting the current of air, the force of the current of air will brand yous struggle to accomplish your target. It will decrease the speed and distance covered by your brawl, and may also pull your ball into an entirely dissimilar management.

However, if you are shooting with the wind, information technology is a different story.

The wind will make your pellet travel faster to your target and hit it with more impact.

But again, it can also make your shot go awry. So if yous are playing outdoors, it tin be a bit catchy to gain control of the game.

To lessen the impact of the wind, you can employ heavier airsoft pellets or try to get close to the enemy and then that your shot doesn't lose power before it reaches its target.

How to Avoid Pain During Airsoft or Paintball

Thicker Airsoft Gear

If airsoft or paintball hits you at close quarters at high velocity, they will definitely hurt.

Nonetheless, this can exist avoided if y'all wear the right blazon of clothing and protective gear.

It is a standard that you lot wearable goggles and headgear to protect your optics, nose, face up, and head from injury when paintballing.

You should also wear thicker sweatshirts and padded trousers to preclude bruising.

However, in airsoft, most players forego wearing pain-prevention article of clothing and simulate armed services soldiers. This leaves them vulnerable to abrupt stings, and if they are shot at close quarters, pellets may even get lodged in their skin.

You should likewise take intendance to wear thick gloves to protect your hands since they are closest to your enemy and injure like anything if they get hit.

Parting Shot

While it is agreed that paintballs hurt more airsoft pellets, to die-hard fans, it hardly matters.

What is important that you wear as much protective clothing and gear as possible.

Unless you are hit in a particularly sensitive expanse — which should not be the case if you are wearing the right clothing — the pain you experience during the game shouldn't amount to much, and should not hinder you from playing.

In instance of serious pain though, do see a doctor.

If information technology does hurt, laugh information technology off. It may non seem funny at the moment yous get injure, but days later on, you can look back and laugh at yourself.

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Which Airsoft Bb Hurts the Most

Posted by: russelldients.blogspot.com

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