Betta Fish Complete Care Guide

There is a lot of misinformation floating around out at that place about betta fish care.

And to be honest, we're not really sure why. Betta fish are ane of the most popular choices in the freshwater aquarium community.

You would think that there'd be a more consistent understanding of how to keep them happy and healthy.

Our theory is that it has something to practise with the popularity, which means there's more of a chance for differing opinions to go passed around.

Merely who knows what the reason is.

That's why nosotros wanted to put together this betta fish intendance guide as presently equally possible. Nosotros go asked so many questions almost this fish on social media and via our contact folio that it was long overdue.

In this guide you'll learn everything at that place is to know about betta fish care, with some extra facts and information thrown in too!

Tabular array of Contents
  1. Species Summary
  2. Size
  3. Advent
  4. How To Care For A Betta Fish
  5. Water Parameters
    1. Temperature
    2. pH levels
    3. Water cleanliness
  6. Tank Size
  7. Boosted Tank Recommendations
  8. What Exercise Betta Fish Eat?
    1. How Often Should You Feed Betta Fish
  9. Mutual Betta Fish Diseases & Health Issues
  10. Beliefs & Temperament
  11. Betta Fish Tank Mates
  12. Breeding Betta Fish
  13. Phase ane: Courting
    1. Select The Bettas You Want To Brood
    2. Get Them Used To The Tank And Each Other
    3. Wait For Signs Of Interest
    4. Allow The Games Begin
  14. Phase ii: Fertilization
  15. Pass It On!

Species Summary

Betta fish (sometimes called the Siamese fighting fish) are an extremely common choice in the aquarium community. They're beautiful and take a unique temperament that can be fun to detect.

Red betta fish swimming

A mutual misconception, notwithstanding, is that betta fish are a low-maintenance species. They have a specific set up of needs that must be met, and if cared for correctly, tin can exist a good choice for your tank.

Betta fish are a small yet vehement freshwater tropical fish native to countries in Asia and tin can live to be anywhere around three years old. They are establish in places similar Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, and Thailand (they've even been named Thailand's national fish). They're quite adaptive and can regularly be found in rivers, streams, and even rice paddies.

They've been said to be trainable, being smart enough to recognize who is caring for them. You lot can even teach them very simple tricks if you want!

Aside from their intelligence, they have one fascinating trait they are known for – their labyrinth organ which is very like to a lung. This means they fall into the category of "labyrinth fish" because this organ allows them to gulp air from the surface of the h2o.

This trait tin make them more tolerant of poor water weather condition out in the wild, although yous should still aim for perfect water quality in your tank at home (more on that later).


Bettas are minor fish, growing simply upwards to well-nigh three inches in length. Because of their beauty and size, they're quite a popular fish for nano tank owners.

Once they're about vii months quondam they'll typically be done with their growth for the most part. However, they can sometimes get a piffling bigger after this time menstruation.

The size of your fish is influenced by all of the usual factors:

  • The quality of betta fish care y'all provide in your tank
  • The quality of care from the pet store that sold you lot your fish
  • Genetics

When you lot compare female betta fish to males, the biggest difference in size tin can exist noticed in the fins. Male betta fish accept larger and longer fins than females and possess a slightly wider body (although the departure in that location is small).


The appearance of betta fish is unremarkably the main reason why an owner got them in the commencement place. They really are stunning to await at!

Bettas are extremely colorful and come up in multiple variations, but blue and red variations are the most normally seen. Other less common colors betta fish are seen in are blackness, metal variations, and multi-color.

They have fins that are big and flowing in comparison to their small bodies and are bright in colour. Their colors can flash brighter if they are threatened or mating, which can exist beautiful to sentinel.

How To Treat A Betta Fish

Like we hinted at earlier, betta fish care is something that can be a little trickier than many aquarists realize. This isn't something that should turn you lot away if you want to go one, just you lot need to be enlightened of information technology.

Betta fish with a neat color

In this department, nosotros walk through the main areas of betta fish care that you need to become right and why they matter.

Water Parameters

The key to caring for whatever fish, especially bettas, is maintaining consistent water quality, parameters, and weather. Failing to do this can cause a sudden change in temperature or chemical levels, which tin compromise their health and allowed system or even be fatal.


The ideal water temperature for your betta fish should be between 74 and 81 degrees Fahrenheit. Be careful not to identify the tank past a window that gets lots of dominicus, or a estrus/ac vent, every bit this could alter the water temperature.

pH levels

The pH of the water should be between half-dozen and viii – very close to neutral, with a hardness between 5 and 35 dGH.

Water should be dechlorinated to rubber limits, and ammonia levels should be naught parts per million. Nitrate levels should stay below twoscore ppm, and nitrite levels should be nothing ppm.

As always, testing the water levels every few weeks with a test kit volition assistance y'all keep your aquarium in these ranges. Tanks must be filled with filtered water, or tap water that has gone through a dechlorination procedure (workout).

Important note: NEVER use distilled h2o, because it lacks important nutrients.

Water cleanliness

Your tank h2o must be through one complete bike before your betta fish are added (nosotros recommend using a water conditioner too). Having a reliable filtration system is crucial as well. About 25 percentage of the water in the tank should be renewed weekly – NEVER do a 100 percent h2o change.

Every two weeks or then, it'southward a practiced thought to clean the gravel/substrate, as well as the "furniture" in the tank. You tin utilize a strainer to sift out the gravel and rinse it, too as using an algae magnet inside the tank.

Plants and other items in the tank tin can be gently scrubbed and rinsed with fresh water. Exercise NOT utilize soap. At this time, one-half of the tank water tin can exist dumped out and replaced with new filtered water.

Tank Size

Sticking with the recommended tank size for your betta is essential if you want them to thrive.

Betta fish should have a minimum tank size of v gallons. A skillful general rule is to add a gallon for every additional fish. And so basically, starting time with a five gallon tank and work your way up from there.

It is common to use bowls to house betta fish, but this is non something we recommend. Bowls tend to not provide the necessary amount of space for these fish, which can lead to a lot of unnecessary stress.

Additional Tank Recommendations

In that location are a number of other miscellaneous tank recommendations that you should be enlightened of if you want to provide excellent betta fish care.

Betta fish care guide image

Before nosotros become into the list, e'er brand sure that whatever goes into your aquarium is labeled as "aquarium condom". Any furniture or plants should besides exist rinsed with fresh water to remove droppings earlier they are placed in the betta tank.

Important elements of a healthy betta fish tank include:

  • A filtration organisation: A filter with internal adaptable power is best – this volition allow you to ensure the water isn't moving too swiftly for the betta's liking.
  • A heater : The almost common type are fully submersible h2o heaters.
  • Substrate: A gentle substrate of pebbles, sand, etc. is ideal. 1 to ii inches of a finely-milled substrate is best. This volition prevent your fish from scratching themselves on the lesser. Information technology is a practiced thought to rinse the substrate and go rid of whatsoever precipitous pieces before placing it in the tank.
  • Plants: Plants provide a expert identify to retreat, as well equally a pleasant visual effect. Fake plants should exist silk, so every bit not to scratch the fish. Harsh plastic should exist avoided. Alive plants serve this purpose and can improve the cleanliness of the tank too. Merely make sure that admission to the surface isn't obstructed, as bettas like to consume on the surface of the water.
  • Lighting: Betta fish enjoy a well-lit tank, without harsh outside light. Too much direct sunlight tin can promote algal growth likewise. Most tank owners prefer a luminescent tank calorie-free or an LED.

It's best to find a quiet identify to put their tank, as loud noises can cause stress (which will impact their overall health).

Betta fish are not exceptionally strong swimmers, so anything more than a gentle current will cause them stress also. Because of their interesting ability to receive air from the surface, betta fish practise not demand an aerator in the tank.

Lastly. it's Important to have a sturdy lid on an aquarium housing bettas. They come up to the surface frequently and tin jump out of the water quite well.

What Do Betta Fish Eat?

Information technology's very important that your betta fish eat the proper food. A well-rounded diet allows them to be happier, more agile, and brighter in color.

They're carnivores, easily accomplished through betta fish flakes. Though their main fish nutrient should consist of the flakes, they may also be given alive food like alkali shrimp or bloodworms occasionally as a snack to enjoy.

How Often Should You Feed Betta Fish

Most adult fish eat twice each day. Each fish only needs a "pinch" of flakes per feeding.

Because they are so agile, Betta fish tend to eat more than than they need. This makes it very easy to overfeed them (especially if yous're using food to assist train them to do tricks).

An constructive way to avert this is by giving them no more than they tin swallow in five minutes.

Your betta may exist overfed if it is interim lethargic or swimming abnormally. If this becomes the case, skip one day of feeding.

Common Betta Fish Diseases & Health Bug

It's important to know which behaviors are a sign of illness in your betta fish. Watching for these behaviors and symptoms can be crucial in keeping your fish alive.

Common issues include:

  • Cuts/scrapes: This tin can be caused by substrate or tank mates. These tin can go infected, then it is important to exist aware of any and check them daily.
  • Fin rot: This can exist caused past bacteria in unclean water, or as a symptom of another trouble. Fin rot typically starts at the fin'southward edge, causing the tissue to become ho-hum and lifeless-looking.
  • Overfeeding: As mentioned above, lethargy or abnormal swimming mode can be an indication of overfeeding. This can exist remedied by skipping a day of feeding. Many betta fish owners "fast" their fish for a day each week to regulate digestive wellness and preclude overfeeding before information technology happens.
  • Lymphocystis: A viral infection denoted past minor, white dots that develop into cauliflower-similar growth on the skin.
  • White Spot Disease or "ich": Oftentimes confused with Lymphocystis, this results in white spots that look like grains of salt on the peel.

Other general abnormal behaviors to watch for include hypodynamia (decreased or halted employ of muscles), fish scraping their bodies along the bottom of the tank, swelling of the belly, hiding excessively, decreased ambition, and holding fins against the body.

All of these diseases can impact the quality of their sleep as well. When this happens, their power to heal will be diminished.

Quick tip: Many tank owners add aquarium common salt to the water to decrease swelling and stress in their fish, as well as to improve fin health.

Behavior & Temperament

Betta fish are very active fish, which can make them fun to observe. They go upwards to the surface frequently and are hungry oft.

They are also very protective of their space, and good betta fish intendance requires you lot to be enlightened of this. Y'all'll have to make sure that you pair them with the proper tank mates (more on that in the section beneath).

This protective nature can even apply to people viewing the aquarium every bit well. They'll oftentimes swim up to the glass to investigate an onlooker and even wink their colors as a warning! When threatened, betta fish will likewise puff out their fins and gill covers to convince you that they are not to exist messed with.

A fast moving Siamese fighting fish

While we wouldn't consider betta fish to exist every bit aggressive as a fish similar the Jack Dempsey, they're definitely capable of existence quite mean in the right situations. This is something you need to be aware of as an owner for their sake and the sake of other fish in the tank.

Betta Fish Tank Mates

Due to the potentially aggressive nature of this fish, farthermost care must be exercised when looking for betta fish tank mates (if this is something you feel comfortable doing). Some owners don't even consider this pick because they don't want the hassle, and that's fine as well.

However, we retrieve that it's however important to know what betta fish tank mates make sense because information technology volition give yous a amend understanding of your fish.

First off, there must NEVER exist ii male betta fish in the same tank. They will have the need to affirm potency, and the result will be a severe injury, and nigh probable the death of one or both of the males.

Two female fish may be housed with ane male. Upward to v females tin can live in the aforementioned tank together, just there is never a guarantee that your fish won't fight. They tin exist extremely combative and must be watched for conflict if they are to share a tank.

If you have a naturally aggressive fish, and then allowing it to have space is the right thing to do. Sometimes betta fish care tin can come down to knowing what's right for your private fish, not best practices.

If you want a tank mate of a different species, there are some rules to follow when deciding on a good combination for a community tank:

  • Tank mates must be larger, and aggressive enough to defend themselves if needed.
  • Fish duller in color are best. If they are too vibrant in colour or have flowing tails, the betta fish may flash their colors and experience the need to compete.
  • Tank mates must have the same water condition requirements.
  • At that place must be plenty of room in the tank to avoid unnecessary disharmonize. H2o must be added with larger tank mates.

Types of fish that tend to exist successful in shared tanks with bettas include rasboras, large ghost shrimp, tetras, catfish, gouramis or mollies.

Breeding Betta Fish

Convenance betta fish can be an intricate and fascinating process if done correctly. There are a off-white amount of steps to take, only when combined they increase your chances of breeding successfully.

These steps tin be done in two phases: courtship and fertilization. The female is just present for the get-go phase.

Phase 1: Courtship

Select The Bettas You Want To Breed

To start, you'll want to select a male person and female to brood. The pair should be costless of any health problems. When deciding on which female and male person to choose, well-nigh people take into account their favorite color variations.

The female should be slightly smaller than the male, and both fish should be properly "conditioned" (fed a high-protein diet leading upwardly to the intended breeding time). The most successful breeding attempts happen betwixt fish that are within four to twelve months of age.

Get Them Used To The Tank And Each Other

Once your pair is selected, it is fourth dimension to acclimate them to the breeding tank (properly cycled) and to each other. This will be their new home for a time, so you lot want them to feel comfortable.

The breeding tank should have only three to five inches of water in it, to encourage close proximity, as well as the necessary heater and filter. The filter should be actress gentle at this point – moving the water also much will disturb the bubble nest that the male volition construct after.

At that place should be NO substrate at the bottom. When the eggs are laid, they could sink to the bottom and be lost in the pebbles/sand! You should also take plants in the breeding tank to requite the female person places to hibernate during the breeding procedure, as the males can go trigger-happy.

Most breeders put a divider in the tank to separate the male and female while they get acclimated, that withal allows them to run into each other. The lighting should be dim- the pair need their privacy!

On the male's side, he will demand a floating expanse on the surface that will let him to attach his bubble nest when the time comes. This can be anything that floats, such as styrofoam, driftwood or leaves.

Await For Signs Of Interest

As the male person betta fish becomes interested in the female, he may outset to nip at the divider, and he volition darken in color.

If interested, the female betta fish will display vertical stripes (chosen her "barring pattern"), and will darken as well. Her ovipositer (the area she lays eggs from) will protrude more, and she will movement her tail in the management of the male.

It's at this time that the male will construct his bubble nest, using the surface mentioned higher up. The divider may be removed, but it is crucial to watch for lethal conflicts.

Should the male person get too violent, they may demand to be separated. If the female person betta fish immediately destroys the bubble nest, they will besides demand to be separated, and the procedure will need to start over.

Let The Games Brainstorm

During the mating process, the pair volition hunt each other around the tank, flashing their colors. They may bite at each other, and the female may hide until she'southward ready to submit.

When this happens, the male will flip her upside-downwards and will commencement to fertilize her eggs equally she releases them. They volition do this on and off for a while.

Once the female betta fish has laid all of her eggs, she volition swim away, and the male will begin carrying the eggs to the bubble nest. The female should be removed at this time to avoid conflict and to preclude her from eating any of the eggs.

Phase 2: Fertilization

The male person betta fish will release what is called milt into the water to fertilize the group of eggs, called the fry. In the adjacent day or ii, the male will maintain the nest, communicable the babies when they've used up the oxygen in the bubble nest and start to sink.

He will repair the nest, placing the babies dorsum until they start to swim, after most four days. The male person should be removed at this time, the breeding process consummate.

Laissez passer It On!

At present that you have a amend understanding about betta fish care, y'all'll exist able to aid your fish thrive and give them the quality of life that they deserve.

But don't end there.

As we mentioned at the first of this guide, there'southward a lot of misinformation about betta fish care being passed around online. At present that you lot know what to do and what to avoid, pass on the knowledge!

Betta fish aren't going to stop being popular anytime soon. The more we tin can brainwash owners nigh how to take proper intendance of their fish, the ameliorate off everyone will exist.

Link to this guide, share it on social media, or just blab almost what you learned to your aquarist friends. Information technology volition aid us slowly ensure that these fish alive better lives in aquariums around the earth.

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