Where Can I Buy a Spas 12 Stock for Airsoft

Where Can I Buy a Spas 12 Stock for Airsoft

Tokyo Marui SPAS 12 Shotgun

13. 01. 2005

SPAS 12 is the world'southward about famous shotgun. This gun yous know from the lot of movies or computer games. Information technology looks frightening and its fighting power is not insignificant at all. I would´t like to notice yourselves in front of the barrel this gun whos has caliber 12/76...


Short introducing

Southwardporting Purpose Automatic Due southhotgun information technology´southward a supposedly authentic interpretation of the magical abbreviation that everybody knows, who at to the lowest degree knows what a shotgun is. Maybe you lot dislike the give-and-take Sporting. Subsequently a long search in literature and on the Net, I came across an even longer article that advocated the use of that word Sporting. Similar an argument were used as some pressure and lots of paragraphs of the US Constitution. Notwithstanding, on next sheet it was written that depend information technology on that the usage for Special or Sporting Shooting. Decision get in yourself :)

I would also similar to clarify the use of the word Automatic. It'due south just virtually designating a semi-automated shoot firing mode. In the world, they tend to call it Semi-auto shotguns. Of course, in that location is no fully automatic shotgun 12 in the world. Neither USAS 12 or annihilation else. Jackhammer is merely a prototype. Do not you believe? I also did non believe it, but information technology is plenty to start thinking. An automated shotgun with a cadence of about x rd per 2nd? I don´t remember that.

Franchi model SPAS 12

Shotgun SPAS 12 is manufactured in the Italian arms manufactory Luigi Franchi, based in the city chosen Fornacia. Shooting fashion is possible to cull between repeating with sliding handguard and semi-automated / self-charging using pressurized gases.

The weapon weighs 4 kilograms and its total length is 1070 mm. SPAS 12 comes with a solid plastic or folding steel stock. Tube magazine capacity is 7 assurance. Information technology is practically possible to fired of everything at the given caliber. From archetype shotgun shells, through individual bullets of various materials, to biscuits pressed into nitrocellulose.

At the first glance information technology's bright to that it comes from Italy. Slim shape, graceful lines and perfect ergonomics. The Italians take simply a talent for these things :)

Tokio Marui SPAS 12

SPAS 12 manufactured by Tokyo Marui, is i of iii manual shotguns, which this company supplies to the airsoft guns marketplace. With three barrels that deliver reliable and accurate functioning, is probably the most serial-made manual shotgun in an airsoft guns assortment.

What do nosotros find in the bundle?

Well, what am I to tell you? The box itself is most a work of art and can compete for a place in the Louvre. Simply we are more interested in what is inside. Surprise! Hither is a shotgun SPAS 12, one cartrige serving as a 30BB magazine. Too, here is a short stick for mag, cleaning rod, instructions, targets, and lots of other pictorial material consummate with Asian characters. That´s all, do not look for any golden bricks in the box :)

Quality of processing

The processing of the shotgun itself and its plastic surfaces is again at a very high level. Very pleasant is a presence of metal components such as gun-butt, front sight, trigger, fuse, and a mag.

That tubular magazine is even really working. Information technology is accessible from the forepart and holds two patrons. Just, the approach itself is not that easy, then it's amend to wearable the patrons in your pocket or have them attached firm to the shotgun. Tokyo Marui SPAS 12 is a very authentic replica, which does not lose its authority and magic against of an original.


The cartridge-shaped mag holds 30BB, which makes up for ten shots. What? 30bb and merely 10 shots? Yes. Really. 10 shots because whenever pressing the shutter leaves the weapon towards the target exactly three balls. Anybody flew out of a one of the three gun barrels, which are equipped with a stock-still Hop pre-set up at 0.2g BB. In add-on, each gun butt supplies air to a divide cylinder with a piston and that´south meaning there isn´t hence no brusque range and poor accuracy, similar shotguns with one gun barrel that shoots more than one projectiles at a time.

Before the shot is must be a weapon loaded. How? Motion forward and back forrard :) From the commencement, it seems that information technology is hard, merely you get used to it. If you are non weak, it's not a problem loaded a gun with high frequency.

Then just indicate on a target, squeeze the trigger and voilà! Target down :) Is not it? So again! And over again! And once again!... Information technology´s a hard, right? At least a fiddling bit of it can be simplified. The trigger still can be helded and then you merely need to pump it. This is a way how you can get the target in merely a few seconds with all the 30BBs you have available. A bruttaly sound that SPAS gives in this manner of use is awesome. All sounds SPAS are quite expressive and quite loud. Whatever when you lot loading or shooting...

Shooting performance

As you already know, the gun shoots three BB at a time, so the chance to striking the target is slightly larger than one brawl. Just how far does it shoot? And what precision is?

At 35 m yous hit a target of 20x30 cm at least two BB out of three, which is a decent result, right? Therefore, targeting 40 m is not a trouble with a little skill. At least 1 of the iii BB always sure. :) Of grade, nosotros shoot BB 0.2 grams, which is aligned with that pre-set fixed Hop-Up.

At concluding

SPAS 12 Tokyo Marui is a very powerful manual airsoft gun. With a length of 800 mm, it can be used both in the wood and in CQB in buildings. SPAS 12 it looks very aggressive, and the look into her darkness barrel mainly frightens everyone. On the other manus, its graceful lines and slender shape are very impressive for everyone. Among manuals clearly reign because of due firepower, vigor, and especially respect. It definitely does not expect as plastic as a G3A3 manual airsoft gun. If you remember about the manual, then SPAS will definitely pay off, in the fact that i of the few manuals can be upgraded with precise barrels and a stronger wire bound :)


Where Can I Buy a Spas 12 Stock for Airsoft

Posted by: russelldients.blogspot.com

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