CyberGun - AK47 Classic

CyberGun - AK47 Archetype

This version is a budget airsoft gun that's made from plastic and cheep metallic parts. Well-nigh of the outer frame is cheep metal, and the woods is composed of plastic with woods coloring. Every bit usual the start step is to take off all the excessories and attachment's including magacine. Also open up the top cover and remove the battery. If you lot take a full stock version the barrety is located in the stock. The next step is to remove the hop op cover plate. This is done by pushing frontward the metal rod that information technology slides on. And pull he hole thing out. Both the rod cover plate and leap should be taken out.

If yous have a folding stock like this ane then unscrev the metal pin betoken comprehend, that is located higher up the handle. And jently pull off the selector screw comprehend. So remove the 2 screws located underneath the cover plates. On the folding stoct it cocky you volition detect two screws to remove the back sholder rest. Now you can take off the right side folding arm. The left side arm wil be removed afterwards.

Now you have to pull out the pinnacle cover. This is washed by removing the attachment spiral, and the hop op screws. When this is gove y'all take access to the wires and fuse. Accept a wait at the Electrics guide to se why you lot should eleminate the fuse from the circut (Note: Only practice this if you are willing to adventure the gun breaking).

Underneath the gun you will find four screws that agree the front assembly and rear assembly together. Remove them and pull the ii appart. In the front end assembly the hop op unit is screwed in, and in the rear assembly you will find the gearbox. Remove the spiral in the buttom of the handle and pull off the handle to reveal the motor. Now the hole gearbox should be loos and able to pull out.

When looking within the hole where the stock arm was attached you lot can now see 2 screws that holds the left side arm of the stock. Remove them and have off the arm. Then you accept completly removed the folding stock. The magasine catch and trigger baby-sit is attached with 4 screws underneath.

On the front end assembly you will find a small-scale spiral where the hop up cover plate rod was attached. Remember to save this leap and so you don't loose it. The hop op chaimber is fastened with 2 screws. Just remove them to go acces to the chaimber and inner barrel.

On the front you can just lift and pull off the lower metal rod. Unscrew the front barrel end, then unscrew the attachment of the A sight frame, and take off the A sight.

Take off the spiral that holds the gass tube and remove it past pulling it over the butt. Then the upper wood part comes off. the lower forest part is removed by pulling of the metallic stopping plate and then it comes off.

Remove the screws attaching the outer barrel, and likewise the upper wood zipper spiral. Then just pull out the outer barrel and pull the woods back attachment upwardly. Remove the 2 screws holding the metallic weight. Then on the side of the front of the gun there'south ii screws that concur the front end parts together. Just remove them to exist able to pry the 2 parts appart. Retrieve to keep rails of how the sights are assembled. Theres a small metallic jump plate that is located below the sight information technology cocky.

And that'due south how to dis gather an AK47 airsoft gun.

Most AK's are assembled is simular ways so this guide should cover most AK versions. Eaven the CA RPK7 folows almost the same principles.